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The Collected Works of S. Mukerji

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*Cover art by Warwick Goble


Active only between the years 1913–1921, the enigmatic author S. Mukerji published just two works of fiction: a serialized detective thriller The Mysterious Traders and a collection of haunting tales set in British colonial India, Indian Ghost Stories.

It is Indian Ghost Stories in particular that has kept S. Mukerji’s name relevant over 100 years later for compiling spooky and weird fiction, supernatural sightings, South Asian lore, and historic accounts into a rich fusion of dark and fantastic narrative.

For as deft a hand as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Rudyard Kipling were at mystery, gothic, and tales of otherworldly phenomenon, S. Mukerji has left his own indelible mark in the pantheon of British Raj ghost tales.

Now, for the first time, both Indian Ghost Stories and The Mysterious Traders have been combined into one volume in this beautifully presented showcase by Dark Moon Books!

Also included within are:

• Introduction by bestselling author K. Hari Kumar
• Annotations by award-winning editor Eric J. Guignard
• Illustrations, corrected text, reading list, and more!

Open yourself to THE COLLECTED WORKS OF S. MUKERJI, and to all that is weird, ghostly, and wonderous!


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  Hardback (with dust jacket) ISBN-13: 978-1-949491-59-3   Edited and Annotated by Eric J. Guignard  
  Trade Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1-949491-57-9   Published by Dark Moon Books  
  ebook ISBN-13: 978-1-949491-58-6   First edition published: COMING, DECEMBER, 2024!  
  Library of Congress Control Number: 2024942464   Number of pages: 204 (about XX,000 words)  
  Cataloged at ISFDB here (PENDING)   Made in the United States of America  
  * Download the Press Release HERE! *  
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• Introduction by K. Hari Kumar
• Indian Ghost Stories by S. Mukerji
   o Preface to the First Edition
   o Preface to the Second Edition
   o His Dead Wife’s Photograph
   o The Major’s Lease
   o The Open Door
   o What Uncle Saw
   o The Boy Who Was Caught
   o The Starving Millionaire
   o The Bridal Party
   o A Strange Incident
   o What the Professor Saw
   o The Boy Possessed
   o The Examination Paper
   o The Messenger of Death
   o Postscript in Lieu of Preface
   o Advertisements (Per Second Edition, 1917)
   o Advertisements (Per Fourth Edition, 1921)
• The Mysterious Traders (A Detective Thriller) Publication Notes
   o The Mysterious Traders
• Who Was S. Mukerji? by Eric J. Guignard
• Suggested Further Reading of Related Fiction by Eric J. Guignard
• With Annotations by Eric J. Guignard

  And check out these other great Dark Moon Books titles!         
  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight   The Five Senses of Horror   Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror   Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World   Fantasmagoriana Deluxe      
Nathaniel Hawthorne